At the 2008 NIOA conference in Reno we introduced a “Best Practices” session.  This was a well received addition to the conference.  We would like to carry it on to Nashville in August 2009.

In these best practice sessions we will highlight four case studies from our members that feature unique and successful ways NIOA members dealt with a particular issue that is relevant for first-responder PIOs.  Each case study is 45 minutes in length, with a short Q&A.

If you would like to be considered as a presenter, please send a one-page (maximum) synopsis of your case scenario to me at by March 6.  The Board will choose a cross-section of cases and four people will be asked to present at Nashville.

Please use the following headings in your synopsis:

Organization name & presenter:

Incident type & date:

Type of organization:

Synopsis/overview of case/event/incident:


Solution/How you dealt with it:

Outcomes & Results:

Lessons Learned:

It is always a great opportunity to learn from one’s colleagues. On behalf of the entire board, I look forward to your submissions!