As we approach Fire Prevention Week 2012, the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Association encourages fire department PIOs to remember that digging is the number one cause of pipeline damage that results in a fatality or injury or property/environmental damage. Sometimes these pipeline accidents result in fires, but they almost always put people and the environment at great risk and can come at a great cost both in terms of property disruption and dollars. Like fires, most pipeline incidents can be prevented. By calling 811 48 hours before digging, a technician will come out and mark the locations of pipelines and utility lines for free.

Most people don’t realize that there are more than 2.6 million miles of pipeline in our nation, and the odds are good that some are in or near your yard, in addition to cable, water, and electrical lines. While pipelines are the safest way to transport natural gas and hazardous liquids, they aren’t impervious to outside forces. As you are educating the public about fire safety and prevention, remind them to always “Know What’s Below – Call 811 Before You Dig.”

Submitted by:
Darius Kirkwood

Contact him for more information:
Office of Governmental, International and Public Affairs
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
U.S. Department of Transportation
East Building, Suite E27-332
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
Office: 202-493-0471
BB: 202-384-5487
Twitter: PHMSA_DOT