NIOA Member Shares Cautionary Tale

NIOA member Dani Moschella, Broward Sheriff’s Office, Ft. Lauderdale, recently shared this word of caution to other public information officers and their leadership team. When scheduling interviews, always know the intent of the interview and use your time and your agency name wisely.

Here’s her story:

We had a request from a producer at In View hosted by Larry King who asked to talk to Sheriff Israel for a 20-30 minute off-the-record chat as they prepare a show on diversity in America.

image of In View program logoShe said they were in their preliminary phase and want[ed] to speak to the sheriff to see if he would be a suitable contributor for the program. Of course, she would talk to him specifically about diversity in law enforcement.

…the sheriff spoke to her at length on that topic, and then when he went to hang up, she read him a lengthy, prepared statement explaining that if he paid $25,000, they would book him on the show. You can’t tell from the website, but it’s basically an infomercial. Huge waste of time. The woman’s name is Randi Gardner [, 561-279-3550 ext. 119]

Editor Note: Some programming references on the In View web site include the reference “paid educational programming.”

This information was shared for the benefit and resource of NIOA members and other interested parties. It is an experience shared by a member of NIOA and may not reflect the position or policies of the Board of Directors or the opinions of the general membership.

Montreal Police Request Info on Stress Management

logo_spvmThe training officers of the Montreal Police were mandated to develop a training session on stress management for emergency call takers working in different cities in the province of Québec. After extensive research, we mostly found information pertaining to dealing with stress on a long-term basis, whereas our purpose is to find techniques on how to deal with it on an immediate basis, during the emergency call.

logo_spvm_footerWe are now gathering information as to what is being done in other cities. Would you have any information on this particular subject? If so, it would be greatly appreciated if you would be so kind as to share or forward us any information on this subject.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation and wish you a great day.

Nicole Groleau
Technicien formateur
Quartier général,
SPVM-Montreal Police
514 280-2156

Plaquemines Parish Accepting Proposals – PIO Providers

Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana, is hereby requesting written proposals to provide being performed at the direction of the Plaquemines Parish Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness.

Plaquemines Parish will receive proposals from Proposers having specific experience and qualifications in the area identified in this solicitation. For consideration, proposals for this project must contain evidence of the Proposer’s experience and abilities in the specified area and other disciplines directly related to the proposed service. Other information required by Plaquemines Parish may be included elsewhere in the solicitation.

For full details, download these documents:
PIO and Media Coordination Services
PIO and Media Coordination Services – Specifications

Contact for more information:
Patrick A. Harvey, LEM
Plaquemines Parish Government
Deputy Director-Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness
8056 Hwy 23 Suite 308
Belle Chasse, Louisiana 70037
Phone: 504-297-2477
Fax: 504-297-5635

Do not contact NIOA for questions regarding this post. This post is provided as a service to the requesting agency. The reader is responsible for understanding all closing dates or contact information. NIOA is not responsible for missed information.

Knox County SO Requests Patches for Wall of Honor

Our Sheriff’s Office is putting together a wall of honor and is requesting patches from law enforcement agencies throughout the US. Please consider joining us by sending a patch from your agency to me at the following address:

Lisa McNeal
Knox County Sheriff’s Office
400 W. Main St. L-149
Knoxville, TN 37902

NIOA Member Seeks PIO/Public Affairs Policy Examples

Lieutenant Chris Brokaw of Charleston County Sheriff’s Office in Charleston, SC has been asked to gather policies from law enforcement agencies regarding their Public Information Units or Public Affairs Units. If you have a policy that you can share, please email a copy to him at If possible, also include a copy of an organizational chart showing where the PIO is located and who/what other departments are under their control.

These policies should be specific to law enforcement. Thank you for your assistance. If you have additional questions about the request, contact Lt. Brokaw by phone (843) 554-2445 or through his email contact.