Chatman Shares Social Media Presentation

Tammy L. Chatman, NIOA Region 5 Director, has shared the Powerpoint presentation that she delivered at the August 2010 NIOA Conference in Clearwater.  The presentation, “Twitter, Facebook, Yammer, Blogging: What’s Your Policy?” addresses the need for developing a social media policy within your agency.

You can download this document:

Twitter, Facebook, Yammer, Blogging: What’s Your Policy?

Region 8 Director

Hello Region 8 Members,

Your area will soon have a vacancy for Region Director. 

With an increased workload and a reduction in staff in her fulltime career, Region 8 Director Cindy Matthews feels that she can no longer continue to serve and represent NIOA in her current role.  Cindy has done an excellent job in providing leadership and commitment to the members within your region and the Executive Board would like to personally thank her for serving as your Region 8 Director.  She truly is a valued member of NIOA.

If anyone is interested in representing Region 8 at the directorship level, please submit a letter of intention along with a recent bio to me directly .

Chuck Allen

Vice President NIOA